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Nutrition & Diet Consultation

Nutrition & Diet Consultation

Nutrition & diet consultation complements and enhances treatments and procedures. Healthy eating is integral to recovery and keeping healthy. A dietician assesses and treats problems relevant to nutrition and diet. There are various diet categories that match a relevant lifestyle. Most of us know very little about it or even a basic balanced diet. Dotcure clinics employ full time Nutrition and Diet Consultants who provide services to all daycare and outpatients. Our consultants are all certified dieticians who are academically qualified and trained from premier institutions of the country.

The dieticians uniquely apply the latest scientific research on nutrition and health, which they decode into simple and concise methods that enable nutrition management to become an effective approach within a holistic clinical setting. Our dieticians are governed by ethical codes and are extensively trained to deliver the highest standard of diet management.

To book your slot for the same, press the appointment button. For more information call or whatsapp us on +91 8235579111 or email us at