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Physiotherapy helps in restoring function and movement when a patient is affected by, disability, injury or illness. Physiotherapists assist patients affected by disability, injury or illness through exercise and movements, manual therapy, advice and education. They maintain optimal health for patients of all ages, helping them to manage pain. Physiotherapy helps to facilitate recovery and enables people to perform body movements independently for as long as possible. Physiotherapy takes a holistic method towards health & well being along with the general lifestyle of patients. A patient’s involvement in his/her own care through awareness and participation in the treatment of self, lies at the core of physiotherapy. You can benefit from physiotherapy at every phase of life. It helps with sudden injury or backpain, managing long run medical condition like asthma or a sports event.

Physios apply their skills and knowledge for the improvement in many health conditions linked to different systems of human body. They are: Neurological (Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple sclerosis) Cardiovascular (chronic cardiac disease and rehabilitation post a heart attack. Neuromusculoskeletal (arthritis, back pain, sports injury or whiplash associated disorder) Respiratory (COPD, cystic fibrosis, asthma.)

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