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Vision & Mission


We sustain the trust of masses through our transparent clinical protocols. Maintaining a close observation on our medical practices at every phase followed by a critical review by the clinical authorities, is a highly important practice at dotCURE clinic as our vision is:

"To become the most sought after & trusted healthcare solution provider in the country through clinical excellence, technology, patient-centric care, precise treatment along with ethical & transparent practices."


Modern healthcare has yet not reached Tier 3 and the rest of India. A massive number of Tier 3, small town and rural patients have to bear the pain of travelling all the way to Tier 1 cities to avail the standard treatment. That further presses the patients’ attendants to shell out more money on expensive lodging and food. DotCURE clinic brings the modern healthcare to the Tier 3 and rural India providing value for money. That is a mere reflection of our mission statement which is:

"To provide world-class healthcare solution across Bharat at affordable cost."